Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

Indina Tarziah


Global warming has become a hot issue in the all country. The impact of global warming is very dangerous for the environment. However, there are still many people who think that global warming is just a mere issue and have no influence to our earth in the future. Though, there have been many signs of nature that arise as a result of global warming.

The increasing of sea level has occurred in many areas of the world. This increase is caused by the melting of polar ice caps due to the excessive heat of the earth. In addition, we can easily see a lot of storms, hurricanes, and tornado in various areas of the world. The global warming also makes a lot of farms experiencing crop failures that decrease the food supplies.

Global warming is an increase in the temperature of the earth’s surface and are the result of the green house effect. The green house effect is a term to define trapped carbon dioxide which causes the earth to the heat. Then, the global warming will much more and the climate on the earth will continue to be hotter. You certainly feel that the current temperatures on earth are so hot during the day. Then, we all must be thinking that there is a problem with the climate change where everything becomes unpredictable. The season that occurs in our earth cannot be predicted anymore as happened a few years ago. You need to know that those irregularities are caused by global warming.

In detail, the global warming caused by human activity. Today, there are so many factories are built. It means that they are going to produce carbon dioxide as their waste. When they are built more and more, then the more carbon dioxide is produced. Meanwhile, plant is the only element that can absorb the carbon dioxide and then convert it into oxygen. However, the plants that are on the earth continue to decrease due to illegal logging, forest fires, and the diversion of forest as a place of human lodging area. All of those makes the number of plants continue to decrease and are not able to absorb all the carbon dioxide maximally. As a result, carbon dioxide trapped in the earth and makes our earth becomes hotter. One of the visible effects of global warming is the polar ice continues to melt so they can flood the coast line in the entire world. Here are five causes and the effects of global warming.

1.      Carbon dioxide emissions from electrical generator
The increasing use of electricity supplied from coal power releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 40 % of CO2 emissions generated by the production of U.S., and 93 percent of which comes from coal combustion emissions in the utility industry. Each day, the market is flooded with more and more gadgets which need power usage, but it is not supported by an alternative energy. Thus we will hang more on burning coal for electricity supply throughout the world.

2.      Carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of gasoline in vehicles
Vehicles that we use are the source of approximately 33% of emissions. It affects to the increasing of global warming. With the number of people which have been growing until touch the alarming rate, of course, it will increase the demand for vehicles more and more. It means the use of fossil fuels for transportation and plant will be growing fast. When it has increased so high, then the best way is reducing the use of vehicle and choose the public transportation.

3.      Methane emissions from farms and the Arctic seabed
Methane is a greenhouse gas that is very strong which stands one level below the CO2. When organic matter is broken down by bacteria in low oxygen (anaerobic decomposition) then the methane will be generated. This process also occurs in the intestines of herbivorous animals, and with the increasing amount of concentrated livestock production, the level of methane that released into the atmosphere will increase. Other sources of methane is methane clathrate which is a compound containing a large amount of methane which is trapped within the structure of icebergs. If the methane is out of the Arctic seabed, the rate of global warming will increase significantly.

4.      Deforestation, especially tropical forests which used for wood, pulp, and farmland
Deforestation results from human activities such as logging and shifting cultivation. Even  when logging is done selectively, cutting down only large trees, many young trees are felled in the process. Moreover, loggers often clear large areas to build roads to transport the timber. Similarly, shifting cultivation causes farmers to clear a patch of forest by cutting down trees and burning them to grow crops. When the soil becomes unproductive, the farmers will leave the land and clear another part of the forest. Because the demand for agricultural products keep rising, more forests are destroyed. To sum up, humans are the most responsible for deforestation.

The use of forests for fuel (both wood and charcoal) is one of the causes of deforestation. Worldwide consumption of wood and paper products has been increasing fast in many decades. Also, the use of tropical forest lands for commodities like oil palm plantations is also become a major cause of deforestation in the world. It would result the release of carbon in the large amounts into the atmosphere.

5.      The rise of sea level around the world
Scientists predict that the sea level rise is due to the melting of two massive ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland, especially on the east coast of the U.S.. Many countries around the world will feel the effects of rising sea levels. It could force millions of people to search for a new home. Maldives is one of the countries that the people need to find a new home which is due to the rising sea levels.

The Solutions To Reduce Global Warming
To reduce the effects of global warming which have been rampant, you can try to do a variety of the following tips. First, choose energy-saving lamps as the lighting at your home. Energy saving lamps have a slightly more expensive price than ordinary light bulbs, but the energy needed to light up is far less than the bulb. In addition, this type of lamp is also more durable and long lasting.

Second, save energy by turning off the lights before you go to bed or leave the house during the day. replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. as a result, you will save energy and also money because CFL bulbs last 10 times longer than regular bulbs, use two-thirds less energy, and give off 70 percent less heat. 

Third, reduce or stop using styrofoam. Styrofoam is very easy to find. It’s light, cheap, and easy to use. Even street hawkers use styrofoam to put in the food they sell. Did you know that styrofoam is not good for our health since it contains toxic and hazardous chemicals, like styrene, benzene, and ethylene? Did you know that styrofoam is also not good for the environment because it takes more than a million years for styrofoam to decompose? So let’s reduce or stop using it for a healthier body and environment!  

Fourth, when shopping,  use a reusable shopping bag. we all know that producing and using plastic bags are not good for the environment.  Avoid using plastic bags given by shopping center. Plastic is a material that is hard to be processed naturally by the environment. It took hundreds of years to decompose it.  if you have too many plastic bags at home, it's high time for you to use totes bag and help reduce plastic bag consumption.

Fifth, to have a friendly environment, you can use a bicycle which will also be good for your health. In addition, you have to always keep the condition of the tap in your home to keep it in good condition. Based on existing research, a broken tap is able to make hundreds of liters water wasted in vain. Though, the amount of water that can be used on earth is not much anymore. Last, try to always fill the courtyard with trees. Trees can release oxygen which makes the air to be fresh.

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